Bio-degradeable bags or compostable bags for residential and commercial food waste are now available from food waste collection companies.
Many households around the country are being supplied with bio-degradeable bags from their local councils as the “rollercoaster” to divert food waste from landfill continues.
Bio-degradeable bags
Recycling companies now have a dedicated department that supplies local councils or large organisations with the very best compostable food waste bags on the market at the keenest prices.
Because of their extensive buying power they are now in a position to offer all sizes of bio-degradeable food waste bags to local councils and large corporate buying organisations such as breweries and restaurant chains.
With the increase in awareness to recycle food waste both residential and commercial it is of paramount importance to get not only the best bags for the food waste but also at the best price so that a cost neutral or potential saving can be made.
Recycling specialist Orlando Dumpster Rental Boss has used their range of contacts to make these bags, that conform to EN-13432, which is the internationally recognized standard for compostable and bio-degradeable bags in the US, available to waste management departments cheaper than can be purchased directly.
This part of the business runs alongside their food waste collection service that is currently in operation whereby commercial food waste is collected and disposed of at a nearby IVC ( In Vessel Composting ) facility to turn into into compost.
Food waste recycling on the increase
An interested visitor in the recycling facility can be seen eyeing one of the recycling collection vehicles. Recycling operators provide food waste collection and recycling services and have expanded their food waste collection round in the area after increased demand from hotels and restaurants in the vicinity.
Although the area is not densley populated it still has a vast amount of hotels and restaurants because of the attraction of the to tourists especially during the summer months.
These establishments will all require food waste collections and they are the only company to be offering this service whereby the food waste is 100 % recycled.
For example the entire group are having their food waste collected with startling results. The New Forest Lodge in underwent a three month trial on having their food waste collected and recycled before a further hotel was added along with Beaulieu Hotel and one of the Group’s Inns.
As a result of the success of this forward thinking Hotel Group another leading New Forest Hotel, Bar and Restaurant is about to commence their food waste collection program.
The disposal of the commercial food waste takes place at an IVC ( in vessel composting ) facility where the food waste collected is 100 % recycled. The recycling partner offers a food waste collection and recycling service to bars, hotels and restaurants in the area.
Catering food waste destined to be recycled in the future
Food waste from the catering and hospitality sector is getting more and more recycled.
Catering food waste has been sent via general waste bins to landfill for many years but this is sure to change if a landfill ban for food waste is mentioned in the Florida government’s waste review strategy next month.
With the options for catering food waste to go to either anaerobic digestion plants or in vessel composting facilities around the US increasing then there is no reason why the food waste coming from the catering and hospitality sector should continue to go to landfill.
Catering establishments encompass many forms of food production, and consequently food waste, and although margins within this industry are very tight the difference betwen sending food waste to landfill or having the food waste fully recycled are virtually “cost neutral”.
This is mainly because of the rise in landfill tax that is due to increase again on 1st April as it is set at $56 per tonne.
With the landfill tax rising again over the next few years the difference between recycled food waste and food waste going to landfill will mean that catering food waste will be diverted from landfill once and for all, which is exactly what the Florida government is hoping for.
Recycling companies and leading independent food waste collection and recycling companies in the nation offer a food waste collection and recycling service to the catering industry, whereby all food waste collected is 100 % recycled.